Saturday, October 10, 2009
Moving home!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Gig and blog changes !
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Aventureland - capsule review...

Thursday 24th September
Comedy Night: Sian Bevan and GuestsLocal comedy-circuit regular Sian Bevan (**** - The List) hosts your evening's entertainment, featuring Jojo Sutherland, formerly-bearded lady Liz Ely, and others.
Doors at 7pm
Edinburgh City Football Club, 7 Baxter's Place (Top of Leith Walk)
Tickets £4
Friday, July 17, 2009
BIn workers strike
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Perfect for fathers day.......
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hope not Hate
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Teach first?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Snog Marry Avoid?

Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My-Bloody-sogyny (I tried for ages to think up a punny title and this is the best I could manage)

Friday, April 10, 2009
Leaving your house: the fatal mistake that will cost you YOUR LIFE !!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Jade Goody - Why the hell do I care?

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Have you seen the bearded lady?
You can sponsor me to do this, and read about my adventures in arkwardness at :
If you are in Edinburgh then you can also come along to the Bowery on the 18th and sponsor me in person.
All money goes to reclaim the night and women's charities in Edinburgh.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
At first the re-direction irritated me, but then I realised that the existence of this vomitous website (with no female equivalent) does offer convincing evidence that women are indeed better.
Not conclusive, but convincing.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Comedy Speed Dating
The idea of spending an evening watching a bunch of medicore tits on a stage, and then having to sit there listening to dozens more trying to crack a funny within a specific time frame is enough to make me want to end my days single. Tommorrow.
Their wording is, of course, totally sexist 'We all know that the best way to a woman's heart is to make her laugh'. Yup, obviously the only people actively seeking dates are hetero men (or lesbian women but I DOUBT, to a CAPS LOCK extent that the writer had lesbians in his mind when he wrote that. At least, not in a non-sexist way)
Women, you better just sit there and smile while the hilarious men do the 'hard work' and make you laugh. Maybe that's why it costs £19.95 for women and a mere £9.95 for men.
The assumption that men are the funny ones is of course, intensley aggravating. The only justification they can have for men paying less is that fewer men speed date. Why is that? Could it be that it's much easier to get a date, as a man, than the media or popular culture suggest?
Why they think that women are prepared to pay a tenner more, in an attempt to bag a 'funny' man is beyond me...

Yup - this could be you...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Benefit frauds are women with health issues
There is a website about the campaign, with the following information.
'We're closing In' is aimed at people who have just begun or are thinking about committing benefit fraud. The campaign uses the very real risk of being caught as a deterrent. Its strong visuals highlight the investigation techniques used to track down benefit cheats, bringing home the message that there is no escape for those who commit fraud. '
So, what are these investigation techniques? Going around poorer areas and seeking out shifty looking overweight women, clutching their purses? And what the hell do they mean by 'strong visuals'? A fat woman? It is indeed true that women of her size are more likely to be on buses than bus shelters. Obviously if she can afford that many pies she must be cheating the decent healthy tax payer right? Forget the fact that obesity is often a symptom of poverty. Forget the fact that the people who do cost the tax payer millions are more likely to have penises, wear suits and hire accountants to do their dirty buisness.
It does however, give me an idea for a youth work project around political participation through the selective trashing of bus shelters. It would probably be quite popular, though I'm not sure where I would get funding...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Being on't Telly
When we entered telford college we had to go through a security check and surrender any water. I was quite hyper from lack of sleep and the effects of the night before, I got a coffee in the cafe before an assistant informed me that I could go to the VIP room. The main difference being some free fruit and real coffee as opposed to instant for the studio audience.
In the 'VIP Room' I was introduced to Nicky Campbell; more presenter than man. He asked me for my opinions on 'bad lads' and whether or not they deserve our adulation. Honestly, I wasn't all that articulate - perhaps it was my awe in the presence of such a mighty figure in the world of day-time television.
Kokumo was there, someone I greatly admire - which made me somewhat nervous. In the show I was disappointed that Nicky didn't speak to Kokumo more. She put a spanner in his 'joke' about Rabbie Burns, which was pretty funny. Kokumo also pointed out to me that we were being used, as we weren't being paid for our appearance. Very good point, next time BBC, some free grapes just won't cut the mustard.
After a trip to the toilet, and a warning that I might not be allowed to wear my 'not for sale' T shirt because it was a logo, we were lead out to the gym which was set up as a small studio.
The audience pleasantly surprised me, being more left of centre than I had anticipated. We had a warm up debate about the BBC and Gaza, where the only people who took the side of the BBC were (unsurprisingly) those on its payroll.
The hour of debate passed pretty quickly, there wasn't really all that much debate to be had. The one comment that I did make was misinterpreted by the mostly silent Sci Fi writer, and Nicky swiftly moved away from my comment as it was 'getting off topic'.
Aah yes, talking about gender in a debate on 'bad lads' ... nothing to do with it... On the other hand the offensively conservative historian managed to suggest that Scots had an irrational loathing for Thatcher....
All in all an enjoyable, but meaningless experience. I met some nice people, and as soon as we went off air there was this feeling of 'is that it?'. I feel that's apt for losing my 'speaking on tv' virginity. Now I can just sit and wait for the call for me to replace Jonathon Ross....
Monday, January 26, 2009
On the Telly
For anyone that I haven't told I was on 'The Big Questions', a show where the public and minor celebrities debate things.
You can catch it for the next week on the following link:-
I am adjusting well to a life of fame, graciously accepting compliments from strangers in the street and bearing with good humour being recognised in the local shop.